(Lab II)
audio-visual Installation
37:45 min | 2023
Exhibition view at Oldenburg, Studio 10︎︎︎
Labor II is an audiovisual installation, conceived and built from scratch within a week. The entire process, a conglomeration of questions and opinions, was meticulously recorded and transcribed. The result is a work of art that deals with, and consists exclusively of, the resulting (mis)communication. On the billowing projection surface subtitles form the visual counterpart to muddled speech, which is repeatedly interrupted by insistent, prophetic interjections. Words are never able to accurately describe thoughts, for language is always only an approximation of what these thoughts are. Subtitles are never able to convey what the spoken word can. The same holds true for the installation itself, for every work of art is merely an approximation of the artist's idea. The work is formed through a tension between hearing and understanding, concrete and abstract, solid and fluid. The challenge lies not in visualizing one's own idea. It is not even to understand the ideas of others. Rather, it is to accept incompleteness and lack of clarity as part of any communication.