series of digital images/prints generated through a cyclical, collective process | 2023
Exhibition view at Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder︎︎︎
Forming a Circle is an experiment in the practice of collaborative art that has produced 404 images. Through a cyclical approach, each and every image was edited at least once by each member of the collective. The underlying motivation was the need to develop a cooperative creative process that was both structured and egalitarian, yet free and experimental. The only formal or aesthetic constraints were a square format and the resolution of the files. The decision to leave an image completely untouched was equally legitimate as the decision to render all previous edits unrecognizable. Both digital and analog image processing was allowed as long as the image was ultimately saved in the correct digital format.
This process, which lasted almost 6 months, resulted in hundreds of images, many of which may never see the light of day. Through a democratic poll, the collective initially decided on 26 images to print on Alu-Dibond